Audience: Franklin University's FranklinWORKS Marketplace Members with an Active Coursera Subscription.
Disclaimer: The results and functionality of the following article only apply to the audience listed above.
To unenroll from an active program FranklinWORKS Marketplace Subscription, please follow the directions below:
1. Login into FranklinWORKS Marketplace: Select DASHBOARD.
2. Scroll down to the program that you are going to unenroll. Click the hamburger button on the upper right-hand side of the program tab. This will populate a dropdown, click Cancel Enrollment
3. Select the option Yes, cancel my current product enrollment but keep my Coursera Subscription active. This action will only unenroll from the selected program. Once selected you will receive a Success message.
If you are instead looking to cancel your subscription, please see this article link.