Audience: Franklin University Instructors looking for student email addresses in their Canvas courses.
Disclaimer: The results and functionality of the following article only apply to the audience listed above.
Please keep in mind that their are 2 messaging systems for those taking or teaching canvas courses.
- Canvas Messaging
These two messaging systems do not talk to one another, meaning a message sent in one system will not show up in the other.
For more details about the 2 systems, Click Here.
To obtain student email address for their Microsoft Office 365 email (not Canvas Messaging):
1. Open the gradebook using the Grades button in the left hand menu.
2. In the gradebook, go to Actions and Export.
This will give you the ability to download a .csv file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. That file will contain a column with student email addresses from students in your course.
Students can then be email using the website: