Audience: 2023 Fall H-section, Q-section, or Z-section instructors who notice that extra or duplicated content has imported to their section unexpectedly.
Disclaimer: The results and functionality of the following article may not be possible if you are not part of the intended audience.
We are working to provide a long term solution regarding an issue with some H-section, Q-section, or Z-section courses showing duplicate modules. In the meantime, here is how you can resolve the issue of duplicated modules if you encounter it in your course.
1. First, look at your course homepage. If any extra or duplicated modules have imported, they will appear at the bottom of your course.
2. To unpublish unnecessary modules and their contents, click the green checkmark icon inside the module, and choose Unpublish module and all items.
This will remove them from student view and remove unnecessary points from the gradebook (the extra columns will remain in the gradebook, but they will not count toward a student’s overall grade).