Audience: Franklin University Faculty and Staff that have been granted IT permission to create a presentation for digital signage on campus.
Disclaimer: The results and functionality of the following article only apply to the audience listed above.
Instructions to Update Announcements
- If you have not done so, contact Marketing for the “Line up for success” or “Key to Franklin” Franklin PowerPoint templates.
- Modify your announcements in the slides.
- You do not need to use all of the slides. Delete the slides that are blank.
- You can add more slide if you need them. Right click a slide and use the duplicate slide option for the color scheme you wanted.
- Save the modified PowerPoint.
- In a web browser go to (If you do not have a google account go ahead and sign up).
- In Google Drive click the create button.
- Select Presentation
- Click ‘Theme’
- Click ‘Import theme’
- In the left pane of the new window click ‘Upload’
- Drag and drop your desired template into the box labeled ‘Drag a file here’
- Click the tile labeled as ‘Office Theme’ and click ‘Import theme’
- In the upper left hand corner of the presentation editor click ‘File’ and select ‘Import Slides’.
- In the new pop up select ‘Upload’. You can then either drag and drop your presentation into the box or use the ‘Select a file’ option to browse your computer to find your presentation.
- Click to highlight all of the slides you want to import and click ‘Import slides’.
- Delete any blank slides go back and click the Theme button and change the slide size to ‘Standard 4:3’
- Click ‘File’ and select ‘Publish to the Web’.
- In the new pop up click ‘Start Publishing’
- Click ‘OK’
- In the Publish to the web pop up, you can modify the advance slide timer to your desired interval. Make sure to fill in both of the checkboxes at the bottom to automatically start the presentation and restarting the slideshow.
- Copy all of the text in the ‘Embed code’ text box and paste that code in an email to the Help Desk so that they can publish the content to the sign in your area.