Audience: Franklin University users trying to log into student databases as instructed through certain computer science courses.
Disclaimer: The results and functionality of the following article only apply to the audience listed above. If you are not enrolled in courses with specific instructions to access these databases, your access will be denied and the instructions below will not be successful.
Troubleshooting/Informational Procedures:
To run programs on the Franklin University Unix Servers, an SSH connection must be used. The program PuTTY can be used to connect to the servers.
1. PuTTY can be downloaded from here. Double-click on the icon to open the program. Because PuTTY is just an executable file, nothing needs to be installed.
2. The below screen is what you will see when first starting PuTTY.
3. On the left side of the window, under Terminal, click on Keyboard.
a. Select the Control-H radio button under The Backspace key.
4. Click on Session on the left side.
- a. In the Host Name textbox, enter one of the following:
- (or
- b. Select the SSH radio button.
- c. Under Saved Sessions, enter a name, for example "Einstein", and click Save.
To load the session in the future, highlight the name in the Saved Sessions list, and click load.
- d. Click on the Open button.
5. The first time a server is accessed, this security alert will appear. It is normal. Click on the Yes button.
6. The below screen will appear.
a. Enter your login name, and hit enter.
b. Enter your Franklin password when it requests your password (there will not be a visual confirmation of your password).
7. Upon a successful login, you will see a system message, and you will be taken to your system prompt.
8. To logout of Einstein, simply type Exit in the command line.
Command Tips for Using PuTTY:
Copy and paste text:
1. To copy a section of text, hold down the left button of your mouse and drag toward the end of the text; the highlighted area of the text turns gray in this process.
2. In vi, to paste the text where you want it to be written:
a. Move the cursor to the desired location
b. Hit the Esc key to switch to command mode.
c. Use hjkl to move left, down, up and right
d. Hit the letter I key to switch to edit mode.
e. Click the right mouse button to paste the text.